Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

HPC guided tour as part of the HRZ Café
In the course of increasing digitalisation and research at the University of Bonn Bonn, high-performance computing plays a central role. In order to give university members a deeper insight into the HPC universe at the University of Bonn, the University IT and Data Center offered a presentation of the HPC clusters, including a guided tour of the server room of the latest supercomputer ‘Marvin’, as part of the HRZ Café. Participants took advantage of this exclusive opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of modern high-performance computing at the University of Bonn. What is HPC and why is it important? High-Performance Computing (HPC) refers to the use of supercomputers and parallel processing techniques to perform complex calculations in the shortest possible time. In research, HPC enables, for example, the simulation of physical models, the analysis of large amounts of data or the processing of algorithms in the field of machine learning. For the University of Bonn, high-performance computing is an indispensable tool that supports research and innovation at the highest level. HPC cluster Marvin remains among the TOP500 worldwide The Marvin supercomputer has been at the heart of high-performance computing at the University of Bonn since autumn 2023. With its impressive computing power, Marvin is still one of the most powerful computers in the world almost a year after its installation (482nd place in the TOP500 list, as of June 2024). The computing capacity of the HPC cluster is required for numerous scientific projects at the University of Bonn. With its 277 computing nodes, the supercomputer is able to carry out countless parallel calculations simultaneously and thus offers researchers at the University of Bonn a powerful platform to realise their data analyses and simulations efficiently and effectively. Guided tour of the Marvin supercomputer server room The tour of the server room of the Marvin HPC cluster was conducted by Jan Steiner, a member of the HPC team at the University IT and Data Center. The tour began with a brief introduction to the services offered by the HRZ on the subject of HPC and scientific computing at the University of Bonn. Jan Steiner then took the participants to the server room at the Institute for Numerical Simulation, where Marvin is housed. Here, the architecture of the supercomputer was explained to the participants, mainly employees from the institute's administration, and how the cooling and energy supply of such a system is ensured. The participants were able to gain an insight into the challenges that can arise during the maintenance and operation of such a mainframe computer. An exciting insight into the topic of HPC and behind the scenes of operations at the University IT and Data Center.   
University of Bonn represented at the 30th global AIED conference 2024 in Brazil
The Artificial Intelligence and Education (AIED) conference celebrated its 30th anniversary with a record number of participants. Over 500 researchers from all over the world came together from July, 8 to July, 12 in Recife, Brazil, to discuss the most pressing issues and most significant research findings in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and education. Dr Christian M. Stracke, scientific employee at the University of Bonn's University IT and Data Center, attended the conference as a member of the AIED Expert Group of the Council of Europe and presented the first systematic literature analysis on the ethical issues surrounding AI and education to the international colleagues on site in a scientific lecture. On this occasion, the teaching-learning project "Virtual Collaboration" (ViCo for short) of the University of Bonn and the first handout for teachers in universities, which was created by the European network "Ethical Use of AI", were presented. In addition, Dr Christian M. Stracke addressed the topic of AI regulation and current developments in a half-day interactive workshop, for which he also welcomed Ahmet-Murat Kilic from the Council of Europe and organised a World Café in small groups on regulatory issues. There was great interest in the research results and the AIED 2024 conference generally enjoyed active participation. One of the major Brazilian TV stations (Globo) reported on site. The TV report on the conference and the short interview with Dr Christian M. Stracke (in Portuguese) can be found in the video (from minute 34:16) on the following website: https://g1.globo.com/pe/pernambuco/bom-dia-pe/video/edicao-de-11072024-12748487.ghtml
New training format for confluence: "Confluence Flashlight"
As a part of the open consultation, the Confluence training programme is expanded. Starting September, the first hour of the open Zoom consultation will be dedicated to present a specific topic or selected macros. They will be exemplified and tried out together immediately afterwards. Below you can find an overview over the first topics and dates (every Tuesday at 10:00 am):   03.09.2024: Page structuring - improving page structures using layout areas and macros  01.10.2024: Connecting pages and contents - using links and macros to make pages and contents "alive" 05.11.2024: Designing contents - designing and formating contents using macros 03.12.2024: macros "to do list" and "task resport" - allocating tasks, attaching a deadline and keeping track  07.01.2025: macro "page details and page report" -  create overviews for the data of different pages on a single overview page; e.g. for project overviews, reports, status reports, project portfolio management  A registration is not needed. You can get access to the "Confluence-Flashlight" via the usual link to the open consultation. You can get access to the Zoom meeting room for the “Confluence Flashlight” training format via the regular link to the open consultation in Confluence (only accessible in BONNET/VPN).
Start of apprenticeship 2024 at the HRZ
We are delighted to welcome two new trainees to the University IT and Data Center again this year on August 1st. The HRZ is thus opening its doors to two young people who are beginning their apprenticeship as IT specialists for system integration - a profession that is of great importance in today's digital world. The first day began with a warm welcome from the head of the HRZ, Dr. Rainer Bockholt. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of IT professions and the central role that the HRZ plays within the university. "As of today, you are an important part of our team and we look forward to shaping the future of IT services at the University of Bonn together with you," says Dr. Bockholt. The welcome was followed by a short round of introductions, during which the new trainees had the opportunity to get to know their future colleagues and trainers. These initial contacts are essential for developing a strong team spirit and creating the basis for successful collaboration. The apprenticeship to become an IT specialist for system integration is varied and demanding. It covers both theoretical principles and practical applications. Trainees learn how to plan, install and maintain complex IT systems. They also acquire knowledge of network technology, server administration and IT security. There is a particular focus on practical work: at the HRZ, trainees are involved in real, current projects from day one and have the opportunity to develop their skills in a professional environment. They are supported by experienced specialists who act as mentors and offer valuable tips and support. As digitalization progresses and IT infrastructures become ever more complex, the need for qualified specialists is also constantly increasing at the University of Bonn. The HRZ has already trained many successful IT specialists in the past, who are now working in various areas of the IT sector - be it in university IT, in industry or at IT service providers. The new trainees at the HRZ therefore have the best prerequisites for starting a successful professional career. With the support of the entire HRZ team and the wide range of learning and development opportunities, they can look forward to an exciting and promising time.
50 things you should know about the HRZ
In our new social media series “50 things you should know about the HRZ”, we are now providing small and large insights into the world of the University IT and Data Center of the University of Bonn. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University IT and Data Center, which will be celebrated in November 2024, the articles in the new series highlight various topics related to the HRZ - past and present. Whether you are a student, employee or simply interested in modern information technology at the University of Bonn - you will find valuable information, exciting insights and interesting background stories on the HRZ's social media channels. To make sure you never miss a post and always stay up to date, subscribe to our HRZ channel on YouTube, follow us on Instagram and get visual impressions and the latest news directly in your feed or connect with us on LinkedIn. We look forward to getting in direct contact and exchanging ideas with you on our social media platforms, too!
HRZ congratulates for promotion
The University IT and Data Center of the University of Bonn warmly congratulates its employee Maike Hacker on the successfu promotion in the subject of meteorology.  An academic milestoneMs Maike Hacker has successfully defended her dissertation titled "Modelling Fog and Low Stratiform Cloud in the Namib Desert with COSMO-FOG" on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 and graduated with "magna cum laude". Her work plays a critical role in the comprehension of complex interdependencies between atmospheric processes and extreme weather phenomena.  Commitment and professional expertise at the University IT and Data CenterFor several years Ms Hacker has been a valuable colleague in the department of Identity Management at the University IT and Data Center. Her technical expertise and her commitment significantly support and improve the security- and identity-management-processes at the University of Bonn. Her ability to transfer complex scientific findings into applicable IT solutions make her an invaluable pillar in our HRZ team. A model for interdisciplinary workThe connection of meteorology, geosciences, and IT impressively demonstrates that interdisciplinary work can lead to outstanding results. Ms Hackers success is an inspiring example for the synergies that can emerge from the collaboration of different scientific disciplines. A glance at the future We are proud to have Ms Hacker among us and are looking forward to realising more important projects with her. Her graduation marks not only a highlight in her own academic career but is simultaneously an important moment for us at the University IT and Data Center. 
Confluence short trainings
In addition to the weekly, open video consultation hours,  in which questions can be asked about the structure, design, macros, functionalities and templates, the Atlassian team at the University Computing Center also offers Confluence training courses for Confluence users. The short training courses with small exercises are designed for newcomers to working with Confluence. Participants receive an overview of the core functions of Confluence so that they can start working with Confluence immediately after the training. The next dates: Monday, 26.08.2024 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday, 23.09.2024 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Duration of the training: 60-90 minutes Technical implementation: Zoom and Confluence (the Zoom meeting room will be opened 10-15 minutes before the start of the training to clarify any technical questions). You will receive the access data in the Atlassian Tools area in Confluence (only accessible in BONNET/VPN). Prior registration is not required. Interested members of the university should participate in this training with a computer/laptop from the university network (BONNET) or via VPN. Confluence is only accessible via BONNET or VPN.
First hackathon on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the HRZ
Inspired by the recently founded "Think Tank KI" of the University of Bonn, colleagues at the HRZ—whose usual responsibilities are already related to AI—have connected in an internal focus group under the name HRZ AI-Lab for the first time. It is the objective of the HRZ AI-Lab to combine the existing knowledge of the HRZ staff about AI and respective expertise in core areas of AI, in order to support and actively enrich the work and development of the Think Tank AI.  The meetings and events within the context of the HRZ AI-Lab are meant to give every interested employee at the HRZ the opportunity to discuss the development and use of AI-machines and to gain first practical experiences.  First hackathon on 20 June 2024 On 20 June 2024, the first internal "hackathon" on the topic of AI took place as part of the HRZ AI Lab. Initial experiences with large language models (LLMs) were gained during the event. For this purpose, virtual machines were set up in advance and the challenges and hopes for a possible productive operation at the HRZ were recorded. During the hackathon, various tasks were tested, including the operation of own models, the possible management of models, the strengths and weaknesses of user interfaces and the use of own databases. In the second step, the connection of GPUs is planned, which not only accelerate computing power, but also make some AI applications such as computer vision possible in the first place. Scientific basis of AI In preparation for the hackathon in the context of the HRZ AI-Lab the scientific background of an AI was explored. Three key areas were identified: Machine Learning (ML): An aspect of AI that is concerned with the developments of algorithms and techniques to allow computers to learn from data and make predictions. Neuronal Networks: Models which are inspired by the structure and functionality of the human brain and can be used for the processing of complex data patterns. Data science: The use of statistical methods and algorithms to analyse and interpret large amounts of data and their processing and use for the methods of AI. 
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