HRZ IT-Tip: Colourbox Educational
Looking for images for studies, research and education without Watermarks?
The University of Bonn has taken out a "Colourbox Educational" campus licence, giving university students and staff access to millions of images, illustrations and videos. Students, teaching staff and university employees are each allowed to dowload 30 free pictures per month from Colourbox and use them for research and teaching. These downloads may be used for seminar papers and assignments, course and teaching materials, presentations and lectures.
Our courses in the winter semester 2023/2024
In the HRZ's own course room and online, courses on many IT topics will also be offered to all university members in the upcoming semester.
Have you already reinstalled Eduroam?
A new root certificate authority has been active since July 15, 2023, so the WiFi Eduroam profile must be reinstalled on all end devices so that you can continue to use Eduroam.
What to do now?
Reinstall Eduroam in just two steps!
Detailed information and instructions for the Eduroam new installation on your device can be found at WiFi eduroam reinstallation.
University email address for MATLAB mandatory
The authentication for the MATLAB software available with the campus license is done via Shibboleth with your Uni-ID and the associated password.
Already registered users who use an email address that does not belong to the domain to access the MathWorks account, must change their email address by August 1, 2023 and enter with their personal university email address.
How do you update your email address for login?
Sign in with your usual credentials
Open the "Profile" drop-down menu
Select "Edit Profile"
Change your email address and click "Update" in the lower right corner
If the registration with your previous login email address does not longer work, you must register again. You can find instructions on how to register in the HRZ documentation on Confluence.
However, should problems occur, please contact
Workshop: How AI is changing the University of Bonn
What is Artificial Intelligence? How "dangerous" is AI? Will AI change the work in the higher education sector?Answers to these questions and further information on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) were provided by Dr. Christian M. Stracke (HRZ and member of the Expert Group AI&ED of the Council of Europe) and Dr. Jan Kleinmanns (HRZ User Support) during the workshop "To the point - how AI is changing the University of Bonn" (Human Resources Development and Careers). In addition to a brief introduction to the content of the topic of artificial intelligence and the presentation of the different types of AI, the two experts presented the areas in which AI has already found its way into the University of Bonn.
The workshop on July 13, 2023 was followed by an intensive discussion with many impulses from the ranks of the participants regarding the integration of AI in the higher education sector. In an open exchange, questions could be asked and discussed about the likely opportunities and possible risks of AI for the higher education sector.
HRZ at Bergfest 2023
"Celebrate what you've achieved and power up for what's left" was the theme of the first Bergfest at the University of Bonn last week. The HRZ team was able to take part in the consulting market and inform the students about the various IT services, IT courses, the research data infrastructure and much more. Above all, the in-house 3D printer generated great enthusiasm at the HRZ stand. The students were also able to demonstrate their knowledge of the IT universe at the university and receive useful gadgets from the 3D printer when answering questions about the IT services of the University IT and Data Center. A beautiful summer afternoon in the botanical gardens of the university between information stands and empowerment stations, a wide range of sports, cool drinks and freshly baked pizza from the truck.
New computing power in High Performance Computing
Finally arrived: Marvin, the new mainframe computer of the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. With the new supercomputer, one of the fastest mainframe computers (currently ranked 423rd among the TOP 500 worldwide) is moving into the University of Bonn. The delivery was accompanied by the camera. Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Information Management, and project manager Dirk Barbi (University IT and Data Center) report on the background to the necessary conversion measures, who has lobbied for the new supercomputer and what it means for research at the University of Bonn.
Research & Projects
New website area for research and projects at the University IT and Data Center.
In addition to providing central IT services, the University IT and Data Center is involved in various research areas and projects.
The projects aim to expand and improve IT services for the entire University of Bonn. The projects thus make a direct contribution to the sustainable development of what the University of Bonn has to offer in all areas: in teaching, research and administration. Many of the projects are linked to scientific research and are carried out in cooperation with the Digital Science Center (DiCe) with internal and external actors.