Girls'Day 2024 at HRZ
What parts does a computer consist of? How do smartphones and laptops communicate? How do you create a secure password, what do the server rooms at a university look like and how does a 3D printer actually work? These and many other exciting questions were answered at this year's Girls'Day, the nationwide Girls' Future Day, at the University IT and Data Center. Once again this year, schoolgirls between the 8th and 10th grades were able to gain an insight into the world of IT and work at the University IT and Data Center. The aim of the Girls'Day was to inspire the participants with a combination of practical learning and a playful element for technology and to deepen their understanding.
The morning was designed as a big scavenger hunt through the University IT and Data Center. At individual stations, the participants got to know the IT helpdesk, the 3D printers, workstation systems and network communication. There were short presentations at each station, followed by a quiz. The aim of the scavenger hunt was to collect solution words that were required for the task in the afternoon. After the tour of the server rooms at the HRZ and the subsequent lunch break, it was straight on: in a model house with four offices, four Raspberry Pi's were waiting to be networked and wired up by the girls. Once the monitors, switches and keyboards had been connected, the master password could be entered and the network connections made.
New confluence space for recording technology in lecture halls
The eLecture team is pleased to present the new pages on “Lecture room equipment” in the eCampus Confluence space to all lecturers at the University of Bonn. The new information pages provide a comprehensive overview of the available recording technology and can be particularly helpful to lecturers when planning recordings.
The new Confluence pages on lecture hall equipment contain all relevant information on recording technology in the centrally managed rooms in the main buildings/Römerstraße and on the Endenich/Poppelsdorf campus. Various recording options (sound/camera) are available in the lecture halls, details of which and operating instructions can be found in the relevant sections on the pages.
To make the work of lecturers easier, the eLecture team has created images of the lecture halls, which can be helpful in preparing the respective course.
HPC classes in summer term 2024
The HPC team at the University IT and Data Center is once again offering a series of exciting introductory courses and workshops (in English language) on high-performance computing in the summer term 2024.
The program for the HPC classes in the summer term 2024 is as follows:
Introduction to Programming with Python 23.04.2024 - 24.04.2024 or 25.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 3:30 - 7 pm on each day, HRZ Wegelerstr. 6, room 0.012
Linux Introduction Course 23.05.2024 - 24.05.2024 3:30 - 7 pm on each day, In Person at HRZ (Wegelerstr.6), room 0.012
Introduction to Working on HPC Clusters 04.06.2024 - 05.06.2024 or 06.06.2024 - 07.06.2024 3 - 7 pm on each day, HRZ, Wegelerstr. 6, Kursraum (room 0.012)
Version Control with Git 18.06.2024 - 19.06.2024, 3:30 - 7 pm on each day, HRZ, Wegelerstr. 6, Kursraum (room 0.012)
Building a Raspberry Pi Cluster Wednesday, 04.09.2024, 9 am - 5 pm, HRZ, Wegelerstr. 6, Kursraum (room 0.012)
Girls'Day 2024 - we're taking part!
Girls'Day is back on April 25, 2024 and we at the University IT and Data Center are taking part!
We are pleased that we can once again offer an exciting range of activities and an interesting program for Girls'Day - Girls' Future Day - the nationwide orientation day for career and study orientation for girls from 8th to 10th grade.
The aim is for the girls to get to know professions and study subjects on this day in which the proportion of women is below 40%. Like so many IT departments, the University IT and Data Center is clearly male-dominated. That should change!
Start of registration for IT courses in summer term 2024
The lecturers of the HRZ are looking forward to your registrations for the following IT courses via eCampus from April 15, 2024.
Table processing
MS Excel I - Basics - 15.05. - 17.05.2024, 09:00 - 12:00
Graphics editing
Image editing with GIMP - 08.05. - 22.05.2024, 13:00 - 16:00
Access from unauthorised e-mail clients blocked
As last announced in the message dated 20 March 2024, the ability to retrieve emails using certain email clients was blocked today.
If you use one of the following e-mail programmes to retrieve your university e-mails, this is no longer possible with immediate effect:
Outlook-App for Android and iOS,
"Neues Outlook für Windows" (included from version 23H2 in Windows 11),
Windows Mail (predecessor of the "New Outlook")
Outlook für macOS (when using IMAP with CloudSync),
Google-Mail (Cloud- and POP3 direct access),
Edison Mail,
BlueMail (under certain conditions on mobile phones),
Spark and
Xiaomi Mail.
What to do now?
Should you use one of the applications mentioned above, please change immediately (as mentioned in the news from March 20, 2024) to another product and change your Uni-ID password afterwards.
The HRZ will block the retrieval through cloud based E-Mail programmes from the 30.03.2024 by enforcing appropriate technical measures. This means that afterwards you will not be able to receive or send e-mails through the aforementioned applications.
Security risks also with cloud-backup
Please note that backup applications from Google and Apple are also categorised as highly problematic and must not be used, when they lead to outflow of university data (incl. login-data) to external cloud storages.
Transcription service for accessible video teaching material
To create accessible video teaching material, the eCampus team offers a transcription service. Teachers of the University of Bonn can order the subtitling of their teaching material via the contact form in Confluence (only accessible in BONNET/ via VPN). The provision and all further details are clarified after consultation with the eCampus team.
FAQs Uni Bonn App
For the official introduction of the Uni Bonn app for the summer term 2024, the most frequently asked questions have been compiled by the support team at the University IT and Data center (HRZ), the Student Registry and the General Students' Committee (AStA) and clearly displayed in a new FAQ section on the website of the University IT and Data Center.
The detailed FAQ section answers questions from the areas of general information, technology and support, questions about logging in with the Uni-ID, the student ID and the "Deutschlandsemesterticket".
Do you have a question that has not yet been answered in the FAQ section? In the FAQ section you will also find the right contact person for your topic. You can reach the support team at the University IT and Data Center by e-mail.