Discontinuation of the proxy server at the University of Bonn after Summer 2023
Discontinuation of the offer of proxy servers at the University of Bonn after June 30th 2023
Two-Factor Authentication at the University of Bonn
The pilot project to introduce two-factor authentication when logging in with the Uni-ID, the central user ID, has begun.
Special opening hours of our IT Helpdesk during carnival
On 16.02.2023 the helpdesk closes already at 12:00 a.m..
On 20.02.2023 (Rosenmontag) the helpdesk is closed.
Apprenticeship at the HRZ
The University Computer Centre of the University of Bonn trains IT specialists for system integration.
Opening hours IT Helpdesk
Our IT Helpdesk is there for you between Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Poster lamination
The lamination of posters will only take place on Thursdays.
Electrical maintenance in the main server room of the HRZ
Improvement of electrical safety and update of the network core components successfully completed.
Discontinuation of Plone 3 as of 22.12.2023
With the introduction of Plone 5, the HZR will discontinue Plone 3 from 22.12.2023 onwards.