Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

19. August 2024

Second Council of Europe conference on AI regulation in education with HRZ participation Second Council of Europe conference on AI regulation in education with HRZ participation

The Council of Europe invites to the second conference ‘Regulating the Use of AI Systems in Education’ on 24 and 25 October 2024 in Strasbourg. With this interactive event, the Council of Europe, with the participation of the University IT and Data Center of the University of Bonn, wants to discuss the necessary AI regulation in education.

The conference is being organised by members of the AI&ED Expert Group, including Dr Christian M. Stracke from the University IT and Data Center. The AI&ED Expert Group was appointed by the Council of Europe to assist in the development of a specific European law for the ethical use of AI in education. The planned EU regulation on AI in education was mandated by education ministers in 2023 and will be presented and discussed at the upcoming conference.

The EU Commission, EU Parliament and governments have now agreed on the adoption of the AI Act as the first international cross-sectoral AI regulatory law and published it. However, the education sector is left out and the Council of Europe wants to close this gap, for which it received a mandate from all European education ministries in September 2023. The AI&ED Expert Group is currently working on the draft AI law and recommendations for AI curricula. The first interim results were presented at the AIED Conference 2024 in Recife (see HRZ News from August 7, 2024) as part of a workshop and discussed with participants from universities worldwide. The aim is to adopt and publish this as EU law as soon as possible in order to enable the ethical and safe use of AI in universities.

Registration still possible until 1st September 2024 

We are pleased to be able to support this development on the part of the University IT and Data Center and would like to draw the attention of all interested parties to the agenda of the Council of Europe conference on 24 and 25 October 2024 in Strasbourg. Online registration (see agenda link) is still possible until 1st September 2024.

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Further information on the Council of Europe initiative for AI regulation in education can be found on the Opening up education website.

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