The program in the winter semester 23/24:
Text editing
Latex - The Basics of creating a scientific paper - 15.01. – 05.02.24 (4 dates), 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration from 01.12.)
Writing a scientific paper with MS Word: format templates - 04.12.2023, 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration still possible)
Writing a scientific paper with MS Word: Table of Contents and different headers and footers - 11.12.2023, 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration still possible)
Writing a scientific paper with MS Word: Tables and objects - 18.12.2023, 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration still possible)
MS Excel I – Basics - 17.01. – 31.01.2024 (3 dates), 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration starting 01.12.)
Update from 31.10.2023:
MS Excel II – Advanced - 20.02. – 24.02.2024 (3 dates), 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration starting 01.12.)
Workshop 3D-Printing - 16.02. – 23.02.2024 (2 dates), 09:00 – 12:00 o'clock (Registration starting 01.12.)
Graphic design
Photo editing using GIMP - 24.01. – 07.02.2024 (3 dates), 13:00 – 16:00 o'clock (Registration starting 01.12.)
Introduction to Programming with Python - 14.11. – 15.11.2023, 15.30 – 19:00 o'clock (Online)
Introduction to Working on HPC Clusters - 17.01. – 18.01.2024, 15.30 – 19:00 o'clock (Online)
Linux Introduction Course - 05.12. – 06.12.2023, 15.30 – 19:00 o'clock (Online)
Version Control with Git - 21.02. – 22.02.2024, 15.30 – 19:00 o'clock (Online)
Digitales Editieren
War letters as digital editions: Proofs of the German Unification Wars 1864-1871 in the 21st Century - Tuesdays: 10.10. – 30.01.2024 (Tuesdays), 10:00 – 12:00 o'clock
The teachers of the HRZ are looking forward to receive your registration via eCampus1.