The multifactor-authentication (MFA for short) will be implemented step-by-step for central services at the University of Bonn. Daniela Korden, project manager at the University IT and Data Center, has already reported about what MFA is, what will change for university members in the future and how the introduction of MFA at the University of Bonn will be implemented in the podcast for employees (see HRZ-News from 25 October 2023).
Current state of the DiCe-project "multifactor-authentication" at the University of Bonn
The project for the introduction of the multifactor-authentication at the University of Bonn successfully continues. Firstly, the hardware-token had to be acquired, in our case the YubiKeys. These will be used in the future by employees of the University of Bonn to securely authenticate when using services in relation to the uni-ID.
As a first (test-) cohort, the members of the University IT and Data Center were fitted out with the hardware-token. The rollout at the University IT and Data was already successfully completed in May 2024. The next cohort to be outfitted with the YubiKey were the administrative departments. Here the rollout-process is close to being finished.
The rollout and operating concept for the entire university was derived from the experience gained from the first rollouts at the HRZ and in the administration, which was coordinated with the digitalisation managers and local administrators as well as all relevant councils.
The next steps in the MFA-project are the preparations for the rollout in the outstanding parts of the university, which are meant to start during the oncoming winter term.
With this the project is making huge leaps, to support the security at every level of the University of Bonn - because IT-security needs more than one factor!