Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

26. June 2024

Introduction of Recogito Studio Introduction of Recogito Studio

The University IT and Data Center introduces a new annotation tool for digital media: Recogito Studio

With immediate effect, Recogito Studio is available in the BONNET/via VPN under the URL http://recogito.uni-bonn.de and will become an important part of the digital infrastructure for studying and teaching at the University of Bonn.

Recogito Studio is a software application for teachers to prepare working with media, critically analyse images and texts, promote close reading and implement digital small group work. Students can write comments, annotations and tags to make media accessible for themselves and others and to interpret and discuss digital works. Teachers can also provide annotations and define different tasks for parallel small groups. The annotation tool can be used to annotate and analyse texts as well as graphics, images, photos and PDFs. Recogito Studio therefore offers numerous pedagogical and didactic applications in teaching for all faculties and departments.

Special features of the annotation tool Recogito Studio

In-house development in the context of ViCo: Recogito Studio is part of the ViCo project, with which the University of Bonn promotes digital small group work in teaching. The completely new development of Recogito Studio took the specific needs and requirements of teachers and students at the University of Bonn into account, which were previously collected and reflected on in several workshops. The focus is on teaching and learning scenarios for which media can be linked to specific work assignments. Thanks to its ease of use, Recogito Studio generates positive user experiences and a high level of acceptance. Open source codes promote digital sustainability. This combination makes Recogito Studio a state-of-the-art solution in the field of collaborative media annotation that is unique in the world.

Media annotation: Recogito Studio can use and edit a wide variety of media formats. Text files like TXT,  PDF, and TEI, and picture uploads with common file formats, such JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, GIF are supported. In addition, digitalised inventories (pictures, graphics, facsimile prints and others) of the ULB and other archive and library institutions can be imported for annotation via an IIIF-interface.

Small group concept: For every class context a Recogito Studio project can be created that helps to manage documents and students. Furthermore, teachers can create tasks in their projects that can be assigned to a freely definable group. When working on tasks, the interactions of all users are synchronised in real time. So students are able to retrace the activities of their peers and can receive a personalised teaching and learning experience. Moreover, teachers can unlock the results of one group for another one to see. 

Registration and access control: Registration happens via Shibboleth and is restricted to accounts of the University of Bonn. Teachers have to import their students manually to assign them to their project.

Support and training: To help teachers of the university to use the annotation tool effectively, introduction workshops are offered.

Two introduction workshops are offered to all who are interested: 

Further training dates can be arranged on a group basis, ideally for your own field. Please send your appointment enquiry to recogito@ticket.uni-bonn.de

RecogitoPlus_zusammenschnitt.png © HRZ
Download all images in original size The impression in connection with the service is free, while the image specified author is mentioned.

Are you interested in working with Recogito Studio?

More information on working with Recogito Studio is available on our website and in our HRZ documentation. If you have questions or problems please send a ticket request to the responsible staff member at the University IT and Data Center at the University of Bonn: recogito@ticket.uni-bonn.de.

If you are interested in the topic of digital collaboration, please visit the ViCo project website or learn more about the ViCo project in Confluence (accessible only from BONNET/ VPN). 

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