Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

09. August 2023

bonndata - the new home for research data bonndata - the new home for research data

The Open Access Service Center now offers researchers of the university a new repository for the publication of research data: bonndata.

bonndata is a general, not subject-specific repository, which is made available to all researchers of the university and complies with the FAIR principles:

F - Findable

A - Accessible

I - Interoperable

R - Reusable

The repository bonndata is based on the software dataverse and can be adapted to specific requirements, both for individual researchers and for entire special research areas, clusters of excellence, institutes, etc., in order to publish the research data in a professional manner. In contrast to bonndata, RADAR, the repository used so far for the publication of research data, is exclusively used for non-public archiving.

Are you curious about bonndata? Feel free to attend the next HRZ Cafe on August 09, 2023 at 1pm and/or the next lecture in the Coffee Lecture series on August 30, 2023 at 12:30pm (via Zoom). A demo of bonndata will take place as part of these events.

All detailed information about bonndata can be found on the service website and in the user guide (Confluence).

For those who would like to try out the system, the Service Agency Research Data also offers a sandbox version.

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Do you have questions about the new research data repository? Feel free to contact us: forschungsdaten@uni-bonn.de.

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