We are delighted to welcome two new trainees to the University IT and Data Center again this year on August 1st.
The HRZ is thus opening its doors to two young people who are beginning their apprenticeship as IT specialists for system integration - a profession that is of great importance in today's digital world.
The first day began with a warm welcome from the head of the HRZ, Dr. Rainer Bockholt. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of IT professions and the central role that the HRZ plays within the university. "As of today, you are an important part of our team and we look forward to shaping the future of IT services at the University of Bonn together with you," says Dr. Bockholt.
The welcome was followed by a short round of introductions, during which the new trainees had the opportunity to get to know their future colleagues and trainers. These initial contacts are essential for developing a strong team spirit and creating the basis for successful collaboration.
The apprenticeship to become an IT specialist for system integration is varied and demanding. It covers both theoretical principles and practical applications. Trainees learn how to plan, install and maintain complex IT systems. They also acquire knowledge of network technology, server administration and IT security. There is a particular focus on practical work: at the HRZ, trainees are involved in real, current projects from day one and have the opportunity to develop their skills in a professional environment. They are supported by experienced specialists who act as mentors and offer valuable tips and support.
As digitalization progresses and IT infrastructures become ever more complex, the need for qualified specialists is also constantly increasing at the University of Bonn. The HRZ has already trained many successful IT specialists in the past, who are now working in various areas of the IT sector - be it in university IT, in industry or at IT service providers. The new trainees at the HRZ therefore have the best prerequisites for starting a successful professional career. With the support of the entire HRZ team and the wide range of learning and development opportunities, they can look forward to an exciting and promising time.