Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

03. July 2024

Work with Recogito Studio Work with Recogito Studio

With Recogito Studio, the University IT and Data Center (HRZ) provides all lecturers with a system for the collaborative editing and annotation of media. The annotation tool can be used to annotate and analyze texts as well as graphics, images, photos and PDFs. Recogito Studio can be integrated into all courses and can also be used for small group work. Recogito Studio can be accessed in BONNET/via VPN at the URL http://recogito.uni-bonn.de and is therefore an important part of the digital infrastructure for studying and teaching at the University of Bonn.

Are you interested in working with Recogito Studio?

In the introduction video (see below) you will get a first insight into the use of Recogito Studio:

Would you like to start working with Recogito Studio straight away?

We support you and your introduction to the annotation tool with a workshop offer:

Recogito Studio workshop - date 1
on 11.07.2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Workshop Recogito Studio - date 2
on 15.08.2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Further training dates can be arranged on a group basis, ideally for your own specialist area. Please send your appointment request to recogito@ticket.uni-bonn.de.

Information and access

All information about the new tool can be found on our website: Annotation tool Recogito Studio.

Detailed instructions on how to set up and use the tool can be found in our HRZ-Doku in Confluence (only accessible via BONNET/VPN).

Do you have any further questions?

Feel free to contact us and send your request by e-mail to: recogito@ticket.uni-bonn.de.

The University IT and Data Center wishes you lots of fun exploring the new annotation tool!

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