Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

31. July 2024

50 things you should know about the HRZ 50 things you should know about the HRZ

In our new social media series “50 things you should know about the HRZ”, we are now providing small and large insights into the world of the University IT and Data Center of the University of Bonn.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University IT and Data Center, which will be celebrated in November 2024, the articles in the new series highlight various topics related to the HRZ - past and present.

Whether you are a student, employee or simply interested in modern information technology at the University of Bonn - you will find valuable information, exciting insights and interesting background stories on the HRZ's social media channels.

To make sure you never miss a post and always stay up to date, subscribe to our HRZ channel on YouTube, follow us on Instagram and get visual impressions and the latest news directly in your feed or connect with us on LinkedIn.

We look forward to getting in direct contact and exchanging ideas with you on our social media platforms, too!

All information about our IT services can be found as usual on our website and all related documentation and instructions in our HRZ-Doku in Confluence (only accessible in BONNET/VPN).

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