Research and Projects
In addition to providing central IT services, the University IT and Data Center is involved in various research areas and projects.
Research priorities are Open Education and Artificial Intelligence. As a multidimensional approach, open education enables pedagogical innovations, digital skills development, participation and educational equity for everyone. Artificial intelligence permeates all areas and changes the teaching and learning opportunities and their framework conditions at all levels and in all processes. The interdisciplinary research of the University IT and Data Center supports the international cooperation of the University of Bonn with researchers and partner organizations in Germany and worldwide.

Network Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The "Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)" network was established in March 2023 from the eponymous think tank of the Virtual Competence Center AI in science and meets monthly online due to the great interest in personal exchange. Current questions of how AI can be used ethically and responsibly will be discussed between representatives from a wide range of disciplines. In March 2024, a handout entitled "What is AI?"1 containing ten statements and a FAQ list with recommendations for practitioners was drawn up and published. Are you interested in participating in one of the next digital meetings? For further information visit the European Network Ethical Use of AI 2website or feel free to contact: Christian M. Stracke.
European Artificial Intelligence & ED
The European Union recognized the need to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) early on. To this end, the European Commission has drawn up the draft of the AI Act, which is now being discussed by the member states following approval by the European Parliament. At the same time, the Council of Europe selected a 20-strong Expert Group on "Artificial Intelligence and Education" (AI&ED) with Christian M. Stracke from the University IT and Data Center at the University of Bonn as the German representative. The Expert Group AI&ED is appointed to develop an international convention to regulate AI on the basis of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The Uni-ID is to be expanded to include the option of multi-factor authentication. The introduction is accompanied on the technical side by a service company, and on the scientific side by two professorships of IT security at the University of Bonn (Prof. Michael Meier: IT Security3 and Prof. Matthew Smith: Behavioral Security Research Group4). As part of the scientific support, advice is provided, best practice is identified and the results are published.
Network Open Education
A closed network for open education between many international universities is currently being set up. The aim is to set up and support community building, research and educational offers on open education for all as well as the sharing of learning concepts, resources and software. Christian M. Stracke represents the University of Bonn within the network as a long-standing ICDE Chair and coordinates internal coordination, activities and contributions.
Network Virtual Learning Rooms
The nationwide network "Virtual Learning Rooms" has been meeting online regularly every six to eight weeks since summer 2022 and includes all types of digital learning environments from wikis and forums to immersive 3D worlds with VR glasses. The informal exchanges are always started with an input. Are you interested in participating in one of the next digital meetings? Feel free to contact: Christian M. Stracke.

HRZ projects aim to expand and improve IT services for the entire University of Bonn. The projects thus make a direct contribution to the sustainable development of what the University of Bonn has to offer in all areas: in teaching, research and administration. Many of the projects are linked to scientific research and are carried out in cooperation with the Digital Science Center (DiCe)5 with internal and external actors.
The University of Bonn has been using the collaboration tools Confluence (wiki), Jira (task management) and Bitbucket (software development) of the provider Atlassian since January 2020 for work organization principally in the areas of knowledge management, project management and administration as a central collaboration platform that enables and/or facilitates collaboration between various central and peripheral units.
The project team addresses the core issues of goal defining, technical interfaces/borders to parallel services, overseeing administrative change processes and ongoing employee training on use of the collaboration tools to unlock the full potential of unlimited University-wide collaboration.
The University of Duisburg-Essen has been using a proprietary app for a few years now called MyUDE. This app is now undergoing further development for use by other universities in the state of NRW and as a state-wide service.
The University of Bonn is participating in this state-wide project. Possible use cases include the student and staff identification, providing the semester ticket or the library card, or connecting the interfaces of the campus management system, study management system or the library system. The "Uni Bonn App"6 will be made available at the beginning of the summer term 2024 at the University of Bonn.
DiCe project to develop a university-wide strategy that defines general guidelines for the integration of cloud services into the existing service infrastructure, since cross-institutional collaborations in science are no longer conceivable without the use of cloud services and the use of cloud solutions is also partly the subject of state-wide regulations.DiCe project to develop a university-wide strategy that defines general guidelines for the integration of cloud services into the existing service infrastructure, since cross-institutional collaborations in science are no longer conceivable without the use of cloud services and the use of cloud solutions is also partly the subject of state-wide regulations.
High performance computing resources are offered by the university computer center as a central service for working groups / scientists at the University of Bonn. This supports highly parallel numerical simulations, especially for applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
To the website "High Performance Computing at the University of Bonn"7
Identity and access management (IdA) is about processes, policies and techniques for managing personal data and data objects and access rights to resources, thus representing a prerequisite for a host of other services. IdA poses a special challenge at universities because of the wide variety of users and their various roles within research, teaching and administration, and also because student data is involved in processing.
Central identity and access management is about the overarching organization and management of authorizations for various services so as to render a ‘digital identity’ for users. The project goal is the further development of existing central identity and access management structures and processes to meet actual requirements.
There is one Hertz Professor for each of the six Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) at the University of Bonn, responsible for driving forward top-level research. These professorship chairs are central in nature, not belonging to any specific faculty.
University of Bonn IT support however is decentrally organized at the various faculties and institutes, which receive central IT services from University IT.
The project goals are the development and establishment of a new service structure within University IT for decentral support for Hertz Professorship holders without impacting the provision of central IT services by University IT and the ongoing optimization thereof.
The university computer center offers members, institutes and facilities of the University of Bonn storage space quotas of 100 GB. Furthermore, project and group storage of up to 50 TB can be requested. More information on the Research Data Infrastructure8.
Virtual Collaboration (ViCo) strengthens and supports the future-oriented further development of teaching at the University of Bonn. ViCo includes various forms of digital collaboration both between teachers and students and between students themselves.
To the Website "Virtual Collaboration und digitale Zusammenarbeit an der Universität Bonn"9