Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

Annotate digital media

Recogito Studio

Recogito Studio is a collaborative tool for annotating images and texts. Lecturers can use Recogito Studio to structure reading assignments and to promote close reading or digital group work. Students can write comments or add annotations and tags. Recogito Studio enables focused reading and offers a personalised learning experience.

For whom?


The offer is aimed at lecturers at the University of Bonn who would like to structure their students' media work.

Recogito Studio is an independent webservice. The prerequisite for access is a Uni-ID from the University Computer Centre.

What for?

    Recogito Studio offers its users the following possibilities:

    • Digital work in small groups in interactive sessions
    • Easy creation of text and image annotations
    • Teachers can gives exercises to prepare or do follow-up work for seminars and classes 
    • Several media types can be imported from different sources 
    • Recogito Studio can be used to collaborate on the interpretations of media

    How does it work?

    In Recogito Studio, courses correspond to a project with which you can manage documents and participants in a course. The project is also used to define tasks in order to assign them to any selection of students.

    You can find more detailed information in our HRZ documentation.

    Questions and access

    As a teacher, you can register directly via the website. Extended authorisations are required to create your own projects.

    Please contact support for activation or for further enquiries: recogito@ticket.uni-bonn.de.


    Detailled information and instructions can be found in the HRZ documentation. 
    (Access only possible via the BONNET)

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