Campusmanagement - BASIS
Exams, course assignments and study progress are managed electronically at the University of Bonn. Students and lecturers receive access to the campus management platform BASIS for this purpose.
For whom?
Students and lecturers
All students and all lecturers at the University of Bonn.
What for?
Students and lecturers
BASIS offers the following options to user groups:
- Register and deregister for courses
- Compilation of their own timetable
- Register for and deregister from exams, as well as view your own exam account
- Study administration, change of address, printing of certificates
- Room administration
- Creating and editing courses
- Linking courses to the e-learning system eCampus
- Communicate cancellation dates
- Enter/change information on office hours and contact details
- Send e-mails to course participants
How does it work?
If you are a student at the University of Bonn, you can log in to with your University ID and use the BASIS functions.
If you teach at the University of Bonn, you can log in to with your Uni-ID and use the BASIS functions after you have been activated for this purpose by the BASIS department administrator.
The use of BASIS differs depending on the subject and degree programme, you can find more information there on how to use BASIS.
Detailed information and instructions on how to use BASIS can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
(can only be accessed from the BONNET)