Topics range from the latest office applications, programming, High Performance Computing to video conferencing systems, editing graphics, 3D printing and operating systems. The events, which are mostly offered as block courses, last 1 to 5 days with 3 hours per day.
For whom?
Students and Employees
Students and employees of the University of Bonn can register for courses via eCampus using their University ID.
Only Employees
Additional internal events for further education for employees of the University of Bonn are registered and organised by the Staff Development & Career Office1.
Guest students and secondary students
These groups are not admitted to the events
What for?
Students and Employees
IT topics such as word processing, spreadsheets, operating systems, etc.
small learning groups with up to 30 participants
1 workstation with newly installed PC for each participant
Demonstrations and exercises to consolidate the learning material
Consultation on all topics of the courses
- All participants receive a certificate of attendance
How does it work?
Event Programme
The complete programme of events with all topics and dates, how and under which conditions registration works and when the registration deadlines are, can be found in detail in our HRZ-Doku.
We are also available to answer your questions and provide user support independently of the events. Please contact the responsible lecturer by e-mail.
Information on eCampus
Registration for courses at the HRZ runs via eCampus. You can find this under "Magazine > Facilities > Central Facilities > University Computer Centre". Log in to eCampus with your University ID.
Detailed information on our IT courses can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
(Access only possible from the BONNET)
Please deregister independently via eCampus. In case of unexcused non-attendance, you will be excluded from registration via eCampus for the current and the following 2 semesters.
Even if you have not attended the course, you are welcome to send your questions by e-mail to the responsible lecturer.
Related Topics
Human Resources Development & Career
Here you can find more information about training opportunities for employees at the University of Bonn.