Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

Ticket System

Ticket System

The ticket system of the University of Bonn enables coordinated cooperation within individual institutions as well as between different areas of the university. Requests are presented in a comprehensible way and can thus be processed more efficiently.

For whom?


This service is intended exclusively for institutes; an employee ID is required to work with the ticket system.

What for?

University-wide ticket system

    In the ticket system, incoming requests in the form of e-mails or form submissions are read in and assigned to a specific mailbox (queue). For the first enquiry of a person on a certain topic, a kind of digital case file (ticket) with a unique number is created. Based on this ticket number, all subsequent emails can be automatically assigned to the case, so that the complete history is available at all times.

    In addition to enquiries, internal information (notes) can also be added to the ticket. In this way, an intermediate processing status can also be transferred to another person (transfer of owner status) or another department (moving to another queue) for further processing without having to familiarise them with the exact case history beforehand.

    Numerous other functions facilitate the processing of enquiries. For example, it is technically impossible to answer an enquiry twice at the same time. A comprehensive search function allows users to search for previous enquiries in their own area.

    Answer templates (standard answers) can ensure a consistent answer quality for recurring enquiries and reduce the workload.

    How does it work?

    To use the University's ticket system, please log in with your University ID and password at https://ticket.uni-bonn.de.

    When you log in for the first time, you will be shown the instructions for using the ticket system, which you must agree to once.

    New Set-up, Support & Training

    For new set-up, support and/or training needs, please contact us at ticket@uni-bonn.de.


    Our manual provides a general introduction and initial support for specific questions.


    Regular training sessions are held on the use of the ticket system.


    Detailed information and instructions can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
    (Access only possible from the BONNET)


    Registration with the ticket system only takes place via the University ID and not via the associated e-mail address.

    Make sure that you have subscribed to this queue as "My Queue" via the personal settings in the ticket system. Only "My Queue" will receive notifications.

    As soon as you set yourself as the person editing the ticket via the "Edit" menu, you can firstly unblock the ticket and secondly reply to it.

    For each queue outside the HRZ, the responsible institution shall appoint a staff member responsible for the administration of the queues. The University Computer Centre is only authorised to accept change requests from those responsible. Please address all organisational requests to the person responsible for the respective queue. These adjustments will then be forwarded to the administrators by the responsible persons (ticket@uni-bonn.de) or can be partially processed by the administrators themselves via the admin backend.

    Related Topics


    You can find more information about the university here. 

    E-Mail, Calendar & Contacts

    Here you will find an overview on the topic of e-mail, calendar and contacts.

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