Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

Code-Repository GitLab
GitLab is an IT service for collaborative version management

Code-Repository GitLab

The University IT and Data Center operates GitLab, an IT service for collaborative version management of software or other text-based data.

The GitLab instance is operated on its own servers. This is completely independent of gitlab.com, i.e. data does not leave the University of Bonn (as long as the corresponding repositories are not explicitly made visible university-wide or to the public).

For whom?

Members of the University of Bonn

GitLab is available to all holders of a Uni-ID, i.e.. employees and students for active use free of charge. Read access is possible worldwide as long as the viewing rights of a group or project have not been restricted. The terms of use 1apply.

What for?

Collaborative version management

    GitLab is an IT service for collaborative version management of software or other text-based data. GitLab can be used for research projects for which own projects/Git repositories can be created. Users also have a personal area linked to their university ID, in which projects can also be created. GitLab enables the worldwide publication of repositories and software packages as well as the use of modern methods for the automation of processes (CI/CD).

    How does it work?

    To use GitLab in a research project, for example, it is advisable to create a group for the project (or for several projects together).

    Further projects/Git repositories can be created in this group.


    for all questions about GitLab: gitlab@ticket.uni-bonn.de


    Detailed information and instructions can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
    (Access only possible from the BONNET)

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