Research Data Repository - bonndata
The Research Data Service Center offers researchers at the University a research data repository bonndata (based on the software Dataverse) for the permanent storage and organisation (findability and accessibility) of digital research data.
For whom?
bonndata is available to all researchers at the university.
External partners and visiting academics without a University ID can not publish via the service (read-only access possible).
For what?
- Long-term research data preservation and publication
- Support from the Service Agency for Research Data for the metadata description and publication of the dataset
- Easy to discover: Archived data and metadata will be easy to find by both humans and machines
- High accessibility: all stored data will be given a DOI and can be easily downloaded and used
- Interoperability: data published with the support of the service centre will be described with standardised, machine-readable metadata so that it can be linked to other datasets
- Re-usable data: The quality of the stored data and metadata is assured by the Research Data Service Agency.
- The amount of data to be stored will be flexible and can be over 100 GB (on request) per researcher.
How does it work?
Registration in bonndata is convenient via the University ID. Researchers can upload, describe and save data sets independently. After quality assurance, the data is then published by the Research Data Service Center. Only data from research and teaching may be uploaded and managed on bonndata. The service is not intended for private use and data backup.
The system is located entirely on the local infrastructure of the Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ).
Access to bonndata.
Detailed information, best practices and instructions can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
(access only from the BONNET)
Related topics
Research data repositories
Here you can find more information on research data repositories at the University of Bonn.