Booking lists can now be created for use cases such as booking fixed appointments for seminar places, room reservations or, for example, staff meetings: There is the option of specifying both the maximum number of participants and the number of appointments to be selected. Furthermore, booking lists can also be updated and copied.
By popular demand, registered users now have the option of subscribing to events in their own calendar via WebCal Feed. To invite people to a vote, it is not only possible to access the contacts of the e-mail programme, but also to invite people directly via the appointment planner. CSV exports are now fully compatible with Excel, the comment function can be deactivated.
With the DFN appointment planner, appointments, events and surveys can be coordinated quickly and easily. Data protection and data minimisation are in the foreground, along with ease of use.
The new version is still being operated in parallel with the previous version and can be found at the following link: