Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

10. July 2024

The HRZ at the Bergfest 2024 The HRZ at the Bergfest 2024

On 4 July 2024 it was time: The University of Bonn's annual Bergfest attracted students in the second half of their studies into the University's Botanical Garden for a day under the premise of "Celebrating the Achieved and Empowering for the Oncoming". The University IT and Data Center (HRZ) was also present with its own booth and presented a special highlight: A digital HRZ quiz for students to test their knowledge about the University's central IT-services. 

Directly at the entrance of the advice fair inside the mediterannean house was the HRZ booth: the 3D printer in production, informative posters and the friendly faces of the HRZ-employees invited the visitors of the Bergfest to learn more about the various IT-services of the University. Here students could not only ask questions but were also informed and advised by experts about central services, tools and storage solutions for research data, and possibilities for CPU-intensive research projects.

The big HRZ-quiz: Test your knowledge and win useful gadgets 

This day's highlight at the HRZ stand was the big HRZ-quiz: under the slogan "How well do you know your IT-services?" students could participate in the quiz in small groups or as individuals on the HRZ-tablets. A broad spectrum was covered by the questions and participants were challenged to demonstrate their knowledge about the different offers and services of the HRZ. Of course all quiz participants could get prizes: from useful gadgets such as the HRZ-Bergfest-bookmark from the 3D-printer to the exclusive HRZ carrier bag - the students went home not only with new knowledge but also with useful souvenirs. 

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A successful day for the HRZ and the students of the University of Bonn
The Bergfest of the University of Bonn on 4 July 2024 was a complete success this year as well. The booth of the University IT and Data Center attracted many visitors and the quiz offered an entertaining and educational opportunity to learn more about the central IT-services of the University. With much engagement and good mood the HRZ-employees made sure that students were well informed and entertained. 

A lot of thanks to all, who visited us at the Bergfest - see you next year! 

Until then we are looking forward to your visit to the HRZ (Campus Poppelsdorf): we are available at the IT-helpdesk for all questions and for advice on our IT-services from Mon-Fri 08:00.18:00 o'clock!

More information on our advisory services can be found on our website under support and consultation. 

More information and instructions on our services for your studies can be found on our website under IT-services for students. 

Wird geladen