Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

28. June 2024

No sale of Acrobat licences from July, 15th 2024 No sale of Acrobat licences from July, 15th 2024

The department "IT-concepts and recommendations" at the University IT and Data Center was informed that the sale of indefinite Adobe-Acrobat-BUY licences for Acrobat Pro 2020 and Acrobat Standard 2020 was discontinued within the frame of the CLP-programme from July, 15th 2024. 

We advise the administrators of the University of Bonn to create a small "stock" of Adobe Acrobat purchase licences now, in case of foreseeable need (cf. https://uni-bonn.asknet.de/cgi-bin/product/P10016608).

Please take notice that the support end for Acrobat 2020 will be reached in June 2025. 

Note: Nowadays most applications can either create PDF files on their own or via the help of a "PDF-printer". For any further features (deleting pages from PDF-files, comments, text fields or text markings) there are many other free programmes (e.g. Foxit Reader or PDF24 Creator). PDF-forms can usually be easily created via LibreOffice. Many of the programmes are available for several operation systems, in other cases there are fitting products. Features going even further, such as (real) digital signatures or text recognition from scanned documents (OCR) a commercial product is usually needed (e.g. PDF Studio from Quoppa or FlexiPDF from Softmaker). Most of these products are cheaper than the Adobe Acrobat. We prefer products without connection to Cloud-services.

The products mentioned above are to be seen as examples and are not to be seen as recommendations. Support via the HRZ cannot be ensured for these products.

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All information regarding the topic "software and licences" as well as the services that can be of help to choose and acquire software, you can find in Software and Licenses in the HRZ-Doku (only accessible via BONNET/ VPN).

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